No longer living at this address?
If you can provide an updated/current address, please write the new address and return it to the court. If you do not know the person or do not have a forwarding address, please write "Return to Sender" and return it to the court.
Please write "Deceased" on the envelope and return it to the court.
Is a student or in the military?
If the person is a student (in or out of state) and still has a permanent address in the Northern District of Iowa, they are still qualified to serve. The student or military member may complete the questionnaire/summons online, or a parent/guardian may complete the form on their behalf, sign and date the document and return it to the court.
No longer lives in the Northern District of Iowa?
Please provide the updated/current address on the envelope and return it to the court. We will remove the name from our list of potential jurors.