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Historical Society


Membership as of April 15, 2024

 Tim Hill - President
Tim Vavricek - Vice-President
Ethan Olson - Treasurer
Ron Timmons - Secretary

 The Honorable Leonard Strand
The Honorable C.J. Williams
The Honorable Linda Reade
The Honorable Kelly Mahoney
The Honorable Mark Roberts 

Paul De Young
Misti Michel
David Brown Darel Morf
Kevin Collins Rich Murphy
Brian Fagan Hilary Naab
Jeana Goosmann Pat Reinert
Marc Harding Kathleen Roe
Nicole Hughes Aaron Rogers
Mike Lahammer Alison Smith
Eric Lam Charles Smith
Aaron Lindebak Roger Stone
Steve Marso Mike Weston
Jeffrey Mohrhauser  


Archived Historical Society Meeting Minutes

The Historical Society of the United States Courts in the Eighth Circuit

Link to:  History Project for additional information on the history of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Iowa.