If you are an attorney seeking to be admitted pro hac vice in the Northern District of Iowa, please follow the directions below.
Civil Attorney Pro Hace Vice Requirements
1. Must have local counsel;
2. Each lawyer must file a Civil Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice with an attached Certificate of Good Standing (dated within the last 90 days);
3. Each lawyer must pay the $100 Pro Hac Vice fee; and
4. Because the Northern District of Iowa is a NextGen court, each lawyer must have an upgraded or individual PACER account, must register for E-Filing with the Northern District of Iowa through PACER and must have his or her PACER and CM/ECF accounts linked for Central Sign On.
5. If you do not have a CM/ECF account for E-Filing with the Northern District of Iowa, you will need to register for one through PACER.gov. Instructions on how to register for an E-Filing account with the Northern District of Iowa, through PACER.gov, can be found here.
See Local Rule 83(d)(3) and (4); Public Administrative Order No. 19-AO-0004-P
Criminal Attorney Pro Hac Vice Requirements
1. Each lawyer must file a Criminal Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice with an attached Certificate of Good Standing (dated within the last 90 days); and
2. Because the Northern District of Iowa is a NextGen court, each lawyer must have an upgraded or individual PACER account, must register for E-Filing with the Northern District of Iowa through PACER and must have his or her PACER and CM/ECF accounts linked for Central Sign On.
3. If you do not have a CM/ECF account for E-Filing with the Northern District of Iowa, you will need to register for one through PACER.gov. Instructions on how to register for an E-Filing account with the Northern District of Iowa, through PACER.gov, can be found here.
See Local Rule 83(d)(2) and (3); Public Administrative Order No. 19-AO-0004-P