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Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Conduct

Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Conduct

The United States District Court, the United States Bankruptcy Court, and the United States Probation and United States Pretrial Services for the Northern District of Iowa are committed to maintaining a workplace free of discrimination and harassment, where respect, civility, fairness, tolerance, and dignity are the norm.

Employment Dispute Resolution Plan

On April 10, 2020, the court approved an Employment Dispute Resolution Plan that provides options for the reporting and resolution of allegations of wrongful conduct (discrimination, sexual, racial, or other discriminatory harassment, abusive conduct, and retaliation) in the workplace.  A copy of the Employment Dispute Resolution Plan is available here.  The Employment Dispute Resolution Plan is based on the Model Employment Dispute Resolution Plan promulgated by the Judicial Conference of the United States on September 17, 2019 and adopted by the Judicial Council of the Eighth Circuit on January 14, 2020. 

Employment Dispute Resolution Coordinators

Contact information for the court’s Employment Dispute Resolution Coordinators is as follows:

Eighth Circuit Director of Workplace Relations

National Office of Judicial Integrity

The national Office of Judicial Integrity also provides advice and guidance nationwide about workplace conduct issues, including sexual, racial, and other discriminatory harassment, abusive conduct, and other wrongful conduct. Contact information for the Office of Judicial Integrity can be found here.  

Other Resources: